Guys... My car is slow ):


New Member
Hola! My '98 GS is slow as balls in 4th gear (automatic) and I want to know if that's just how the B18B1 is... Today, I was cruising in 4th around 1.5k rpm, and I pushed the pedal in to less than half throttle, and it didn't do jack s***, and then decided to drop a gear, and then went back into 4th. ALSO, when I have her loaded up with my highschool friends (total passenger weight around 600lbs) it REALLY drags. Am I expecting too much from a 140hp engine or what? lol


No fucks given.
You wanted a fast car so you bought a 16 year old automatic Honda.... Seriously?

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Reppin' tha NW
You can't drive an automatic fast unless you preload it in neutral to 4k+ rpm and then drop it into d4.

Doing so usually blown a an automatic within a couple months anyways.

It's not made to go fast.


Reppin' tha NW
I recommend learning how to properly drive fast before finding a fast car.

Besides, nothing's better than driving a slow car fast.


Active Member
Wow... 94RS took the words out of my mouth. What do you expect from an old automatic 4 banger honda with who knows how many miles...


New Member
To be fair, a lot of 4 cylinder cars don't do jack shit when you try to go from under 2k rpm cruising. They don't have shit for power below 5k. Being automatic does not help. Automatic 4th gear is suuuper tall. It is strictly for MPG and cruising comfort. It sucks for passing, climbing even slight grates, etc. It doesn't sound like anything is wrong. In fact it sounds like the perfect set up for a car filled with high schoolers. Nice and slow. :D


Honda Connoisseur
I heard that if you put a bunch of obnoxious stickers all over your car you gain like 100 h.p lmao


New Member
High school kids in a slow car and still alive.....

My advice would be to enjoy it as well as your life because that initial line is usually:

High school kids in a fast car and all died......


My job is clean toilets
Not all high schoolers are reckless drivers. I'm super cautious when I drive. I never redlined my car before and the fastest I went was 80 on the highway lol. I never want to harm the life of others.

But I heard someone say he went 120 on the highway with traffic. Hopefully he was lying.