Gas: Top 10 Ways to Drive More Efficiently


i was reading the news and lookie what i found. i'm sure most of these you guys have already heard of or what not, but #2 and #3 are new to me lol...just thought i'd share

1. Nice and easy saves gas. Herky jerky does not.
2. Don't waste fuel. After you fill up, make sure the gas cap clicks three times. Every year, Americans let 147 million gallons of fuel vaporize into thin air.
3. Gas up during the coolest part of the day. You get more liquid because the gas is more dense.
4. Remove bike racks or cargo carriers from the roof. Roof carriers can cut your mileage by 10 percent.
5. Empty your trunk of everything but the spare tire.
6. Keep tires properly inflated to avoid rolling resistance. "As your tire is rolling, it's grabbing more ground because it's deflated. What's happening to your gas? You're using more energy from the engine to get the tire rolling and you're using more gas," said Consumer Report's Jennifer Stockburger.
7. Roll up your windows, especially at high speeds. The wind resistance can hurt your mileage as much as the air conditioner.
8. Use cruise control and drive the speed limit. That can save you as much as 11 percent.
9. Turn off the car when picking up the kids. Starting the car uses less gas than idling.
10. Plan your day efficiently so you make less trips. Less trips equals less gas and more money in your pocketbook.


Super Moderator
just saw on the news where a guy got keys to some gas pumps and reprogrammed the computers to dispense free gas. now thats reducing costs. he got caught though. but not before the gas company lost thousands of dollars with everyone filling up for free


dc2GS-R said:
just saw on the news where a guy got keys to some gas pumps and reprogrammed the computers to dispense free gas. now thats reducing costs. he got caught though. but not before the gas company lost thousands of dollars with everyone filling up for free
lol damn where was this?? maybe i need to move there...that or become friends with this guy. he seems to have a lot of good ideas lol


Super Moderator
i dont remember where it was but i'm sure he's in jail now. alot of people got free gas though. what a nice guy...such a team player


the lone outdoorsman
i will not under any circumstances empty my trunk of everything but the spare ... gotta have beats to slump


the lone outdoorsman
i think #3 is bs cause i seem to get better gas miles in the summertime even ocasinoally running the ac


Also try to park in the shade. Parking in the direct sunlight will evaporate gas from your tank.


Super Moderator
I think the biggest thing is how you drive. Don't take off immediately when the light changed to green. Don't gun it. Also, coasting down to red lights helps out.


a.k.a. crabs!
and dont forget... when you pump gas and it stops theres still some gas left in the hose. so before and after filling lift the hose :thumbs up

not really conserving but getting more for your money i suppose 8)


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
btw i thought these extra tips could help

never have your gas tank near EMPTY cause it sucks up all the dirt and crap.
never fill up your gas when them big rigs are refilling the tank @ the gas station, when they refil they mix the dirt and crap back up


Super Duper Moderator
#2...never heard of that before. I always though just one click was enough. The cap clicks when it's as tight as it will go, what's making it click 2 more times gonna do? I bet there's alot of people who never turn it until it clicks even once, either because they don't know that's what's suppose to be done, or they're just lazy/weak and don't want to put forth the effort.
#3....I don't think the outside temperature is gonna have that much affect on a thousand gallon tank buried way underground. The temperatures not gonna change that much down there, if at all.
#5....I'm keeping my bass!
#8...I use CC all the speeding ticket for me in 7 years.


New Member
one of my instructor told me to buy gas in the morning or at night when gas are cold which should last longer. which that kinda like on #3 but i dont know never tryed it lol