Gas Prices Update


its 4.01 for 85 here in colorado...sadness..i saw the posts from 2006 and gas was like 2.35 for premium? i wish that was the way it could be....i miss my money...and my iroc-z...the damn integra is pretty much my girlfriends car...oh well, still fun tho...


Super Duper Moderator
Gas went DOWN 2 cents today, to $3.93 for 87. Woohoo!

The price of a barrel of oil has dropped $16 in the last 3 days. 3 days ago, Bush got rid of the Executive ban on offshore drilling. We're still a long way from actually being allowed to drill out there, because the House and the Senate need to lift their ban also, which isn't likely to happen as of right now because they both have Democrat majorities, and Environmentalist special interest groups have the Democrats by the proverbial balls (I say proverbial because Democrats don't have any actual balls).
But there goes the Democrats argument that even if the U.S. decided to start drilling it's own oil today, it won't lower prices - right out the fucking window! Just making the decision of letting the world know the supply of crude will be greatly increased in the coming years by our country drilling for oil on it's own will affect prices, we have the last 3 days as proof of that.
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I picked up gas from 4.05 to 4.45 over the last week.

It was the most expensive up in PA and I noticed that southwest Virginia had some of the lowest prices around. I'm still paying around 4.2x for 93 here in knoxville.