Fuk S-K speed


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
I sell a ton of rods and pistons for b18cs. I'd tell him you want the block back and inspect it carefully to see if e messed it up somehow


New Member
Dude get your block out of there if there trying to put any d series in a b18c. Some times you have to take a little hit but don't let them fuck the hole block up. Just order manley rods cp pistons for that block and call it a day.


level 77 troll
Wtf, no, tell them you want your money back and a new block, period. Or you're calling a lawyer.


My question is why 81.5mm on a GSR block? you know your making the cylnd wall very thin at this point you need to sleeve it. You can go 81.5mm on a B20 block.


What's the stock bore on a GSR block phatintegra?

On a B18a1/b1 it's 81mm, you don't need to resleeve to go to 81.5. Hell I would even be comfortable going 82mm, anything 83mm or above I would resleeve personally. But .5mm isn't really much at all to worry about.

To the OP:
Unless YOU ordered the wrong rods, or for some reason swapped out the crankshaft, there should be no issue with the stroke. Get your block back and say you'll have somebody else do the work. Don't lie to them and say your going another way- straight up tell them that you think they're full of shit and you want your motor back.
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New Member
Get it back, have another machine shop inspect it to make sure they didn't screw it up... If they did, get everything documented and lawyer up if they refuse to fix it.


you are getting fck in the ass man!! go to the shop with you boys and demand your shit back!!! check and make sure is your block, if not demand money from them!! fck all theses shady shop!!!
