finally did a shoot on my integra with the mesh


the lone outdoorsman
ShinsenTuner said:
Melt, if you lived near me i would so trade you my 98-01 front bumper and all the stuff for your 94-97 one...
how come .... id hella do it ... but im suprised cause most people like the 98-01 better .... plus you do see the paint chips under the right blinker lol

DailyDrivenDB8 said:
do you stick your hand out with the camera for rolling shots?
yes ... long arms and wrapping the strap around my arm help

ixcocoyxi said:
the ls rims looks good.. i dunno why you dont like em??
i just think any of the rims i used to have were better ... the polished si's i had in the beginning especially.


the lone outdoorsman
voltagebluedc2 said:
im not a fan of aftermarket tails, but yours are pretty sweet
thanks .... my stock 94-97s had an unrepairable crack in the left one

so i got these ... they are actually altezzas ... but i masked off the reverse light and painted em with 3 coats of transparent candy apple red and then put clear coat on top so they look pretty good i think, definitley a cheaper alternative than 98-01 tails, and more unique than another set of 94-97s