exhaust arguing HERE!!!!Come on in


Super Duper Moderator
I gave nextgenintegra shit, it was meant to be in a fun way. Note the razz face---> :p <---at the end of the sentence. That means I was razzing him, get it? Razzing, joking around, to be funny. To give off a good, friendly vibe.
Now if I put :roll:, :wak:, :wtf:, :bitching:, :hithead: or :retard: instead, I'd be a condescending prick.
Smilies mean something, they show something that words on a screen by themselves can't always show, emotion and intent, so the words aern't taken the wrong way. Use smilies where appropriate people, and use em wisely.
But it does kinda annoy me when people who have been around here awhile still don't get something I've been over 1,000 times. Shame on you, nextgenintegra :nono: :) but I'll be OK. :mrgreen:


cabezzzdb8 said:
Somebody is bored at work
dude i never said that bigger gives you more power me, db8, and dc-2 had this argument lsat night. db8 was sayin that you cant put a 2.5 inch exhaust because you need backpressure and i told him no you dont because thats a myth you need as little backpressure as possible but mantain the exhasut velocity to keep the pulses even and dc2 was on my side so i dont know where this guy is gettin off that i said "put a 6" exhaust on" yeah that'l get you soooo much HP. read the entire venom 400 and o2 sim thread and you will see


BBS wanted
nexgenintegra said:
dude i never said that bigger gives you more power me, db8, and dc-2 had this argument lsat night. db8 was sayin that you cant put a 2.5 inch exhaust because you need backpressure and i told him no you dont because thats a myth you need as little backpressure as possible but mantain the exhasut velocity to keep the pulses even and dc2 was on my side so i dont know where this guy is gettin off that i said "put a 6" exhaust on" yeah that'l get you soooo much HP. read the entire venom 400 and o2 sim thread and you will see


cabezzzdb8 said:

if i may quote db8 " we need backpressure for low end torque our little engines could use all the torque we can get"

i told you i was a myth then you go sayin i said bigger means more power. get YOUR facts straight before you try arguing with people


BBS wanted
nexgenintegra said:
if i may quote db8 " we need backpressure for low end torque our little engines could use all the torque we can get"

i told you i was a myth then you go sayin i said bigger means more power. get YOUR facts straight before you try arguing with people
Look man you drive an auto, automatic trannies work best with low end torque, by putting such a big exhaut you shift the power band up meaning the car is gonna fell slower because auto trannies again love low end torque, you dont drive a race car were you need all the power at high rpm, I know youre trying to make it look like a race car lol but if you wanna make that auto teg grow some balls you need to do something drastic (blown) by wating your money on a uber big exhaust that all is gonna do is hurt your performance I woud save up for a SC and a kamikase header specifically made for supercharged Hondas, then you can get your 2.5 inch exhaust, but then again is your money do whatever


cabezzzdb8 said:
Look man you drive an auto, automatic trannies work best with low end torque, by putting such a big exhaut you shift the power band up meaning the car is gonna fell slower because auto trannies again love low end torque, you dont drive a race car were you need all the power at high rpm, I know youre trying to make it look like a race car lol but if you wanna make that auto teg grow some balls you need to do something drastic (blown) by wating your money on a uber big exhaust that all is gonna do is hurt your performance I woud save up for a SC and a kamikase header specifically made for supercharged Hondas, then you can get your 2.5 inch exhaust, but then again is your money do whatever

and once again im lookin to get power later not now, far future maybe a couple years. i gotta try to save up for a house man, for now i just want something that looks nice and sounds better and thats what 2.5 type one gives me. listen man were all in this together we all love our cars so im not tryin to start nothin i just got pissed when you tried to put words in my mouth.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
HOLD UP... WAIT A MINUTE.... an exhaust on an automatic?....... :thumbdown:... nothing but a flat constant sound of... burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr in all gears


BBS wanted
nexgenintegra said:
and once again im lookin to get power later not now, far future maybe a couple years. i gotta try to save up for a house man, for now i just want something that looks nice and sounds better and thats what 2.5 type one gives me. listen man were all in this together we all love our cars so im not tryin to start nothin i just got pissed when you tried to put words in my mouth.
Is all good man, just having fun, but then again just trying to help out, you did say backpressure was a mith though lol :lol: