Eclipse/Talon Turbo - Is it worth turboing?


BBS wanted
SilverDB8 said:
BTW, anyone know how much this turbo is worth? its hard to find a manifold compatable with a T25 for a b-series. figured i might as well try and get a t3/4 since there are more parts available.
The t25 and 14b from mitshu, are pretty common so you could sell it for about 80 bucks, for a manifold you can buy a manifold but its gonna need some custom work to get the two flanges to match also for the down pipe since it has a the wastegate separate from the exhaust you will have to make a pipe for it and expell it back to the down pipe, your best bet like you said if you want the conveniece of a bolt on affair is to get the garett t3/t4


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
yea... lots of custom work, only way for me to keep the T25 is if i know some sorta welder with a shop probably someone @ an exhaust shop. but other than that imma try to sell the T25 in the mean time. By the way, a T3/T4 with an external wastegate should be a good choice with compatability and availability?


BBS wanted
SilverDB8 said:
yea... lots of custom work, only way for me to keep the T25 is if i know some sorta welder with a shop probably someone @ an exhaust shop. but other than that imma try to sell the T25 in the mean time. By the way, a T3/T4 with an external wastegate should be a good choice with compatability and availability?
Yea you can get an external wastegate with the garret, the only thing is what type of manifold you want, equal lenght or log type, the equal lenght with an esternal wastegate might cause some trouble with you power steering pump b/c most set ups have the wastegate pointing to were the ps/ pump is at, but again there's alot of styles and you can always have one custom made, myself in going with a log type with a t3 with internal wastegate, running a 5psi with greedy boost controler and apexi safc, pretty simple set up all I need to purchase next is the oil lines for the turbo, down pipe, fmic, and piping, dsm ingectors, redo my exaust system so yea stiil got a while to go, but nothing crazy with my set up