Driving Styles


07 BMW 328Xi
2.5 - 3. most likely 2.5. im anal about people who have the car jerk when they shift. yes, i hold gas for a little over a week. oh yeah, slowing down, clutch in, neutral, brake.

jdm jon

New Member
i do neutral then lil E-brake action (if needed) for helping the car slow down......youll save gas and extend life on your brake pads and less strain on the motor down shifting.


after paying attention to my driving style today (very rainy outside...) seems like all day i would only use the clutch in 1st gear. its nice to save the clutch sometimes.


New Member
wow didnt realize my 1st thread would have such a response. yea, i always rev match when i down shift. and when i downshift, i usually go from 4/5 (cruising) to 3rd, then neutral. also, jdm jon, you use the ebrake?


07 BMW 328Xi
doesn't the ebrake use the rear pads
x2. maybe braking earlier would help more. the only time i see using the ebrake is if its your last option. hopefully you're not doing it in wet conditions or winter. lol. it'd sure to lock up.


RS owner
i dont use the clutch to upshift when im lazy.. lol!!

and rev-matching, that doesnt reduce wear on the clutch.. gas and clutch at the same time.. uhmm.. arnt you wearing the clutch faster? haha!! i rev-match to downshift on the freeway to pass them slow cars up and so that my car doesnt jerk when i throw it into a lower gear..


Super Moderator
and rev-matching, that doesnt reduce wear on the clutch.. gas and clutch at the same time.. uhmm.. arnt you wearing the clutch faster? haha!!
Yes it does. Having the rev matching the engine to the same speed as the tranny and wheels before letting the clutch out makes for a smoother engagement. Not doing that requires the clutch to engage and just rip the engine up to the speed of the wheels which is much more stressful


Raceline USA
Does anyone left-foot brake? I've been practicing for about a month now. Takes a while to train the mind to not put so much pressure on the brake.


Super Moderator
Yeah. It's easy once you get your left foot used to it. Gotta break the habit of just using your left foot to smash the pedal to the floor like a clutch
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