do i have to use premium


Super Duper Moderator
Using a lower octane gas won't make your CEL go on. Low octane and/or tainted gas is a minor issue for the engine to deal with, taken care of by A) The knock sensor, which will sense the knock caused by low octane/bad gas, and B) The ECU will adjust fuel and timing to protect the engine.
And there's no need to use higher octane gas in a car that requires a lower octane for the exact reason dc2GS-R said earlier.


Amigo del Wraith
Hmmm well I always put 91 in my GSR but as I was reading the manual it says you dont need to put in 91 but it requires it for best performance. It says it will componsate for lower octane but wont deliverer its optimum performance due to lower octane. I will scan it in if you all want me too.


Super Duper Moderator
87 octane = $2.53 up here.
93 octane = $2.73.
There are still well over 100 platforms down in the Gulf of Mexico from the hurricanes last year. It could take over 10 years to fix the repairable ones, and to remove and replace the destroyed ones. It's a bad situation nowadays, the smallest incidents involving refining capacity, reserve levels, or supply disruptions anywhere in the world send the price of crude up. Terrorists too, if they ever try to blow up a refinery or a pipeline somewhere, even if they fail to open their can of jihad, it makes prices spike.
