do i have to use premium


Super Moderator
do you have a gsr gaugu cluster or something....never seen that in an LS. they usually require 87 octane or better. GSR and type R is 91 or better. i get 94 octane just north of houston though :D


1 bad LS
I used to turn wrenches at a Honda dlrshp. in Maryland and no u dont have to use premium in an LS. Like someone else said only the GS-R and I.T.R need premium fuel. I have '95 LS and I run mid-grade 89 octane in it. Reg 87 make the valves a little noisey in my LS, but w/ mid 89 oct. sounds good. Thres no way that reg. oct. made the check eng. light come on unless its mabey bad gas and it's running like shit. U should go get it checked out right a way. :rice:


New Member
yea its in the shop now needs a new MOTOR MOUNT bracket idk how that broke and an axel boot but thats all thats wrond wit the car.


I was wondering about what fuel to use too... I might use premium in my ls just to see if it runs better...cant hurt anything


a.k.a. crabs!
dc2GS-R said:
do you have a gsr gaugu cluster or something....never seen that in an LS. they usually require 87 octane or better. GSR and type R is 91 or better. i get 94 octane just north of houston though :D
LS is 86+. you were close lol. its in the owners manual. but yeah GSR is 91+ and type R isnt in there but i could only assume its at the very least the same as a GSR


Super Moderator
Jmoney187 said:
I was wondering about what fuel to use too... I might use premium in my ls just to see if it runs better...cant hurt anything
There's no advantage power wise. The only thing it'll do is burn cleaner and faster.

I put 100 octane in my ls a couple months ago. Didn't do anything, power-wise.


Super Moderator
^^^^^he's right^^^^^^octane numbers are just a measure of detonation resistance. using higher octane won't give you any more power without changing the tuning to take advantage of it


Jmoney187 said:
I was wondering about what fuel to use too... I might use premium in my ls just to see if it runs better...cant hurt anything
it can hurt your wallet