Looking for my next Teg..
so for whatever reason I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn today and couldn't go to sleep... While twiddling my thumbs it came to me... Fix your sidemarker situation before the meet dummy!.. So that is exactly what I did.
MY teg came with a broken fleabay marker on the passenger side & a USDM fender on the driver side. I've had the markers for months now, but have been too focused on other areas. her's what was there before... (for driver side see pics in previous posts)
so after carefully selecting my weapons (tools) of choice I got right to it
I used some HP photo paper (as it is just heavy enough for this sort of job) masked over the hole on the passenger side to create a template to easily flip over and copy to the driver side got the general edge by running my finger nail around the edges then went to it with a utility razor.
Finished template
Passenger marker installed
now on to the driver's side... FLipped the template over lined it all up as it was on the passenger side & masked it in place
Figured it was a bit too risky trying to snap a pic while cutting with my dremel, but here is the test fit after cutting out the hole & using a barrel sander to smooth the edges.
After that was done I lightly hit the edges with leftover rustoleum from all the painting I did the other day to make sure it doesn't rust out on me before I can get it to the shop... anyways here the finished pics
MY teg came with a broken fleabay marker on the passenger side & a USDM fender on the driver side. I've had the markers for months now, but have been too focused on other areas. her's what was there before... (for driver side see pics in previous posts)
so after carefully selecting my weapons (tools) of choice I got right to it
I used some HP photo paper (as it is just heavy enough for this sort of job) masked over the hole on the passenger side to create a template to easily flip over and copy to the driver side got the general edge by running my finger nail around the edges then went to it with a utility razor.
Finished template
Passenger marker installed
now on to the driver's side... FLipped the template over lined it all up as it was on the passenger side & masked it in place
Figured it was a bit too risky trying to snap a pic while cutting with my dremel, but here is the test fit after cutting out the hole & using a barrel sander to smooth the edges.
After that was done I lightly hit the edges with leftover rustoleum from all the painting I did the other day to make sure it doesn't rust out on me before I can get it to the shop... anyways here the finished pics