did all integras come with power steering?


New Member
I was told that they ALL came with sunroofs, which was a lie.... did they all come with p/s as well? i'm looking at one that doesn't have it, and has a rebuild motor in it.... with no p/s, and i wanted to know if it was stock, or if the "rebuilt motor" isn't a stock one, cuz dude won't reply to my email.. grrrr.

Thanks everyone!

WAR 178

Premium User
AC, PS,ABS are the first things to generally go when people do swaps....
If someone says they have a car that is stock, look for those things as well as the vin#s stamped on the block and tranny(USDM) that should match the firewall,vin in window and the door jamb.


RS owner
i removed my ps and just looped the oil in/out. its fine for people who arnt pussies.


I <3 Powersteering. Not like that few couple pounds of the pump is going to make my little rice burner uber fast anyways.

If your buying a car with a rebuilt motor, get all the receipts for the rebuild and make sure a reputable machine shop rebuilt it. He could have f***ed up the motor and decided to sell it. Or maybe it's not rebuilt at all.