dc2 coming out pretty good what u think


New Member
Where in long beach are u...ima head out there tomorrow wanna meet up


New Member
Ok coo.....ima be by anahiem and 4th st I believe ...that's also the east side


New Member
dang more pictuyre ?? how can u make ur rim fit like that.. rolled te fender ? and pull ?? and how do u pull


New Member
it looks like a mexian lowerider with that much offset lol

idk i dont really like much offset to begin with lol


New Member
Hey so this is my first time seeing this thread and here is my 2 cents.
yeah it looks KINDA like coys BUT you do have the wing and the rack and little shit to set it differnt. I think both cars look nice (with all cars I prefer wingless but its not MY car lol)
But its cool because even tho ur two cars look alike...they dont look like EVERY other integra out there (like coy was saying "JDM NEW DRIVER "sticker and relocated plates so it doesnt block the intercooler they dont have)

keep doin what you do man
p.s. the blue hatch is sexy too is it urs?


New Member
naw thats my homie eg but he has the same rims has me

he saw how mine look and went and got some lol biter huh but my rims dnt stick out and lol and mexican lowrider i guess BRO hahahah but i could understand if there stuck out but hey im sitting flush


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
just from lookin at the pics, they do stick out a bit. not quite flush.

I've never been a fan of the mega offset, flush look, personally. I don't mind a low offset wheel, but in my opinion, it shouldn't have to be flush. Hell, if I could be honest, I'd MUCH rather see the wheels tucking. But that's just this OG's opinion.
For example, I'm considering a set of Enkei 92's (yeah, kinda played, but I LOVE THEM, and will be doing something a little different with them), but instead of making sure they stick out flush, I'm going to make damn sure they are somewhat tucked under the fenders :) That's how this DA guy gets down ;)

Still, though. Not gonna lie, car looks nice man. Though not ALL your choices are my taste, its still pretty well done. Good work. Keep it up.

Kenn has a DC4!

Project Midori Civic
Hmm. i've always wondered what those wheels would look like on a teg.
looks good IMO. i'm even looking into getting those wheels! :thumbs up