dark3630 (96 LS SE) DD


New Member
Looks good dude. My initial thought was black interior swap but then I took a second look at that interior and changed my mind :)

Personally, I'd work on the suspension before anything else, including rims. You'll want to spend good money on suspension more than anything. And if you are seriously thinking about a turbo, skip the IHE because you'll have to replace those anyways and it'll be a waste of money.

Edit: and get a s2k antennae, or whatever the other brand is, they look nice :thumbup:
Yeah I love my interior no way I'm switching, lol. You're right about the suspension, that is my number one priority right now. Right now I'm trying to research and see what I like. Not into the whole hella flush thing. I probably won't lower it as much as most people, because the roads here suck.

As for turbo, that's probably going to end up happening early next year (next tax time). I'm just going to save up, research as much as I can, and do the I/H/E, turbo, and engine work all at once. I definitely want to do it right the first time and do it with quality parts.

I was looking at the s2k antenna, and I think the other is called a shark antenna or something like that. Kind of on the fence about it since I never listen to the radio. I'll probably end up getting it though just in case, and then it does look pretty good, lol.


New Member
Ok, so I haven't been on for awhile, but a quick update. Last week my seasonal period ended for Best Buy. Hopefully I'll be going back in March after I get some certifications for Geek Squad. Anyways, I was on my way back home from work after getting that news and traffic is horrid. I'm on the highway going uphill, almost to the apex, when I hear a tire squeal. I slow down a bit, and then a second later the SUV in front of me slams on its brakes. I try to stop, but can't stop as fast as the SUV did so I swerve and end up hitting the rear left side of it. Glad I slowed down a bit before hand and then swerved in time.

Her exhaust pipe put a hole in my bumper, and fucked up the top of the bumper. Thankfully there isn't any damage to anything else, just a tiny scuff on the lip of the hood. Still sucks though since I can't fix it until I'm working again, and that's going to push back buying stuff for my suspension. Hate seeing her like this, I really want to fix it :\