crackin VTEC....?


New Member
how many times a day do you crack that sexy ass vtec of yours? 8)
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Slow Driver
None, my car rarely gets driven. When I do drive my car, it's good to hit VTEC every so often to keep the oil flowing in the solenoid. I wouldn't redline it everyday, that's just stupid. It's not bad to hit VTEC at all, the only down side is loudness and gas burning (and probably oil burning).


New Member
None, my car rarely gets driven. When I do drive my car, it's good to hit VTEC every so often to keep the oil flowing in the solenoid. I wouldn't redline it everyday, that's just stupid. It's not bad to hit VTEC at all, the only down side is loudness and gas burning (and probably oil burning).

ehh everyday a couple times isnt so bad, reving to 8k+ yea not so good but just enough to get vtec rush wont hurt 8)


Active Member
just because I have it doesn't mean i use it everyday. probably every 2 weeks when if I get bored.


New Member
I rarely rev higher than 6500rpms. No vtec in my head. But I drive just shy of 800miles a week.


Super Duper Moderator
Depends on how pissed other drivers on the road are making me. It's a great stress reliever ripping the shit to 8,500 rpm's. Some days not one time, other days maybe a dozen times. Not to 8,500 every time....


New Member
Depends on how pissed other drivers on the road are making me. It's a great stress reliever ripping the shit to 8,500 rpm's. Some days not one time, other days maybe a dozen times. Not to 8,500 every time....
i mean come on lets not be crazy here yea if its not your daily driver or you dont even have vtec then yea of course your not gonna use it that often or even at all but with a daily driven vtec car chances are its gonna scream a couple times a day thats just how it is lol