Confession Thread.


I Dnt Wnna Install ANY JDM Accessories Or parts In My Da. (maybe only the Wink Mirror)
I dnnt Knnow why I just dnt.


Vasectomy? I don't think I could do that.
@Frannkie- because your not JDM Tyte. :)

Anywhoo's.. I meant to be in the things that annoy you thread.. ah well..


Vasectomy? I don't think I could do that.
@Frannkie- because your not JDM Tyte. :)

Anywhoo's.. I meant to be in the things that annoy you thread.. ah well..
It's actually a very simple procedure. You get a few numbing shots in your down stairs mixup, small incision, a snip snip, pull out the baby makers, sew, done. Only takes about 30-45 minutes. And plus, I hate condoms!


actually has an FB6 now.
I really want a type r wing.. :/
at least you can get it easily if you had the money. trying to find it for a DB for a good price is hard as hell.

i confess that i get too careless sometimes. like at the point where i just blow everything over and just do my own thing. hate it sometimes.


It's actually a very simple procedure. You get a few numbing shots in your down stairs mixup, small incision, a snip snip, pull out the baby makers, sew, done. Only takes about 30-45 minutes. And plus, I hate condoms!
Well at the moment I have no children and plan to. So that wouldn't work, lol.