computer codes


1990 gs
Ok guys long week I couldn't really mess with it much more so I sent it to another mechanic now get this they are stumped also I was getting bad compressing because fuel was shooting into my motor still no answer why but the new mechanic is saying my compression is good the reason my motor was giving bad compression is because my injectors are shooting fuel and not stopping. Which actually caused my motor to vapor lock the timing is good the mechanic is saying he he has never seen this before that now is 2 mechanics saying this first mechanic said reason was my computer new guy is saying. Doesn't think that but my be another secondary com in the engine area not sure but he said that none of his guys have seen this why are my ducking injectors sticking on i have two separate mechanics from two different city's not understanding g this nick have u heard of this from sounds of it could it be mechanical


New Member
Injectors are stuck open? Are they plugged in to the right injector? Fuel pressure reading? Maybe your fuel pressure regulator is bad. Could cause high fuel pressure which will make injectors go bad and leak


1990 gs
I haven't asked that but I will all I know is its weird every body is stumped and its a20 plus old car I think it might be electrical i bought this car six months ago from a kid so I really don't no what's been done to it i just no that this new guy is intrigued and wants to no what is wrong just cuss his working on it though doesn't mean I don't want to have other peoples idea somebody has have to had this happen what he said is the injectors are basically sticking on liking grounding out or something so if u or somebody u no has heard about this let me no


New Member
I would start with looking at the dizzy. Its probably a china made one right? The dizzy actually tell the ecu when to fire the injectors. So if its fucked up and sending the wrong signal I could see it clicking them on all the time. Thats just a guess. You would need another dizzy to check.


Not a M0derator
It doesnt make sense that you got no compression bc of a stuck fuel injector.
Vapor lock isnt what you are describing. That's hydrolock and believe me you didnt do that either.
Because if you did that would mean the rods are bent and the engine is shot and this conversation is futile.

You didn't describe any troubleshooting or how it was determined the injectors are stuck on.
I would remove the spark plugs turn the ignition to ON and confirm the injector (s) are firing with the engine not running.
Then you could swap the injectors around to see if the problem follows the injector OR if the problem stays with the cylinder then its either wiring or Ecu. You can run a resistance test on the ground wire of that injector subharness back to the Ecu. You can also take both sides of the Ecu case off and inspect the PCB. Look for anything that is burnt or corroded.


1990 gs
That's what they were doing when I talked to them last running a resistance test back to some computer in the engine compartment that then runs to the ecu the first mechanic told me my computer was bad but it wasnt. My injectors come on normal when u turn key over but when u crank it over they flood my motor with fuel making it where it wont start in pretty sure they checked. The dizzy but who knows ill mention it them


Not a M0derator
Define "flood with fuel". Is the cylinder filled with 450cc of fuel?


1990 gs
I don't no how much the cylinder is flooded with fuel he just told me fuel was spraying out of my cylinders and when I my self was trying to figure this out it was flooded out so bad that it was coming out my air intake that's when I said in done trying but i still want the feedback and I will let these guys no what u r all saying


Honda Enthusiast
You NEED to take it to someone that deals in Hondas. Either that or just throw a motor in it. Either way it sounds like that motor wasn't taken care of and was on its last leg anyways.

" I’d rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone built it for me. "