computer codes


1990 gs
Hey guys have a 90 integra gs broke down went to mechanic said bad computer got one used put it in and car will crank over but no start computer is flashing codes it starts with 6 quick blinking lights followed by 1 long then another 1 long blink followed by 3 quick blinks now I looked it up a little and read that the 2 long blinks and 3 quick could be23 which I think means knock sensor but someone said i don't have knock sensor all I no is it doesn't want to start lol it broke down on me about a week ago. Someone helpppppppp lol my motor is a b18 a 1


New Member
You know, I am do sick of "mechanics" saying its a bad ecu. I see countless mechanics saying this, but I have never heard of an ecu going bad. My favorite is when they say its going bad. Like its a wear item. 99 percent of the time a mechanic that blames the ecu has nooooo idea whats wrong.

Give us a detailed break down of what happened. How did the car stop working before. Like what symptoms? And yes, what ecu do you have. Sounds like you have the wrong one.


1990 gs
So I put a computer that matches all numbers of my original one so I got the right one. I was driving home from work and I could feEl it want driving right then it just started bogging out bad when I gave itgas it would just bog out when I pulled over at first it would idle alright and when I would start driving again it would sort of good up to 25 mph or so or if my rpm were low if the rpm would go high it would start bogging out again I would turn the car off wait second and start it up it would start up not toeasy and would idle alright but once I gave it gas filteriwould bog out bad like its starving for fuel i have brand new fuelpump and filter i ended up taking it to mechanic he said that my car wouldn't. Start at all when he got and said that when he tries to start it all 4 injectors would stay on even thought wouldn't start he said he checked my ignition coil and or what ever that is Lola he told me he checked all of my distrubter and said i was getting spark. I went and bought used computer but still won't start and I don't hear my injectors staying on i turn it over and still won't start I can fix problems on cars guys but I don't have that mechanics ear if u no what I mean lol


Surge Master
Injectors do not stay on, the fuel rail gets pressurized and they start to fire when the engine starts turning over.

I highly doubt your original ecu was bad, put it in and turn the key on. If the CEL light doesn't come on at all, then you know it is a bad ECU.

Checking mechanical timing, fuel pressure, spark, and compression.

Then once those are out of the way we can more on to other things.


Not a M0derator
How many Ecu's are you going to throw at this problem? That's clearly not the issue here. We cant even begin to help you troubleshoot because you dont even know what an ignition coil is (your words). I would try a new mechanic. One who specializes in Honda/Acura's.


New Member
I wonder if it just jumped timing. I am just speculating though. An engine needs 3 things to run. Fuel, air, and spark(and compression but yeah). You claim it has fuel and spark. If that were true that means no air....doubt thats the case. Also if ecu was bad it wouldn't be firing the dizzy or injectors.

Also, if you had the right ecu it wouldn't be throwing codes for sensors you don't have, because that ecu would not be looking for them. Just food for thought.


1990 gs
So I did spark test and did compression test my compression test came out as followed 120 to 124 2nd one came out 90 to 115 3rd came o22nlike 30 down to zero so. Added couple drops of oil still read zero bad valve right so I went to 4th and it was reading 30 50 60 so I added oil to that stayed same ring right so for shots and giggles went back to first cylinder and it was reading 60 to 50. Why did my first cylinder read that different then I went back to my third cylinder and it read all the way up to 90 at one point but then I noticed I have tons of fuel in my oil and fuel coming out of my air intake help guys lol


New Member
Fuel coming out of your intake? Sounds like the valves are toast. If the intake valves aren't sealing the pressure will escape through it, taking the fuel with it. Sounds like the motor is toast. Did the timing belt jump teeth? If it did it could have killed the valves.

Just buy a swap and be done with it. A b20 longblock can be had for $500-$700.


Surge Master
I'm curious as to how you did the compression test. Likely clearly explain your process please. Was the engine warm? How long did you crank it over?


1990 gs
The engine want warm becuzz I can't get to run to get warm I did it with a compression gouge I cranked it over a couple seconds or so


Surge Master
Should at least let it crank over 8-10 times. It isn't going to give accurate readings if it isn't warm. The next step to do would be a leak down test. Check your mechanical timing first, if the timing belt jumped you are probably going to have to take that off anyway. If the timing is off, reset it and try to fire it up, maybe you got lucky.


1990 gs
Ill work on the timing and let u guys no what's up I was told if it jumped timing it would ruin the motor instantly I go back to work tomorrow. So I might have slow down on figuring this out so don't think in not listening to u guys lol if u guys have more ideas let me know


New Member
We don't have any more ideas until you tell us if the mechanical timing is off or not. Probably a good idea to not crank it anymore until you know. Crank by hand only.