Colorado Meet


New Member
Alright BITCHES :rocker: theres two weeks of school left and then 3 months for summer... Who wants to get another meet going? An actual cruising meet where we dont just stand there? lol


New Member
Would you guys be willing to come down this way? Could make a cripple creek run?


level 77 troll
Deer creek runs are fun. I'd be interested in checking out this cripple creek thing. Lemme get the suspension set up and we can do it.


level 77 troll
Debating on actually selling the civic. I'm bored with it already. I miss the teggy really bad on Sunday's.


New Member
Thats what I thought, I was there Sunday. Met a dude with a pretty sick White integra with a CF Hood, and a black GSR with Gold rims.

Edit: Went through your build thread. That was you! haha. uuhh Hey, I was the guy with the Dark Blue GSR swapped. Was wearing a Tan jacket. Jeremy.
Haha yeah, that was me, lol I was about to say