Colorado Meet 'Chat Thread'


level 77 troll
Good news boys, funds for the b17 are finally here, the build starts today, just need to source a good head and send it out, then it goes in. I'm super excited. Unfortunately, I won't be there while its being built, so I can't do all the pics I wanted, but I'll try for as many as possible.


Good news boys, funds for the b17 are finally here, the build starts today, just need to source a good head and send it out, then it goes in. I'm super excited. Unfortunately, I won't be there while its being built, so I can't do all the pics I wanted, but I'll try for as many as possible.
about time..


Stfu, its your fault its taking so long. Better be happy I didn't just take his gsr from under you. I at least keep my word and end of the bargain
lets not get all butt hurt now dude. Im not giving you cash for reggies motor wheres the sense in that? plus what if shit hits the fan then im fucked 300. which wouldnt be cool. yes I trust you but still shit can always go wrong.


level 77 troll
I told you that I understand that point, that's why I made a Legit contract with you, so nobody could get screwed. But its whatever, I'm getting my gsr, I'm fine, you just have to wait longer.


yeaaa... so im not fronting anyone money until reggies car is in my hands. motor doesnt have to be pulled but at least his car has to be in my possession for the weekend.


level 77 troll
I ain't mad at you about OUR deal Tyler, its just business. We both have our limits on it. But if everything goes as planned, it'll flow smoothly, and we'll both be tec'in