Colorado Meet 'Chat Thread'


level 77 troll
As the manager......I'm required to be there on weekends so I can make sure nobody is fucking off on my time. A lot of lazy habits happen when I'm gone. I get vacation at the end of June, 2 weeks paid.


level 77 troll
(Hgo)casca. Hgo=Honda God of Oregon. up on Shakespeare. It's a character, I just use it as a "ghost" name. Came up with it in like 9th grade while creating a username for the game "counterstrike". Hgo just kinda came as a "clan" tag when I started getting into cars. Does that answer your question?


New Member
whelp Im a no go saturday... Radiator is shot, going to try and get it looked at before then but who knows......... Im thinking I should sell it