Cold air intakes interchangeability.


New Member
Yea thats short ram... and not a very good one at that. The filter should be next to the battery so it gets some kind of air flow and not ALL the hot air from the engine. But I guess the filter was worth the $30 if its relatively new... Should probably just get a cheap $20 Ebay intake and just use the pipe.


please explain to me how this is a "cold air" intake. All that work to suck exhaust manifold heated underhood air. Sorry to rant just seems silly to me. Anyways I was wondering if you happen to have the original stock airbox and intake tube? I've got this AEM V2 intake uglying up my engine bay and I would like to put some OEM in its place.


New Member
^You got an aem v2 you're trying to sell? What color is it? I'll buy it if its the right price.


New Member
Okay so everyone knows the intake I have is AEM!!!! its no cheap eBay or junk yard trash exhaust pipe used as a intake. As I said before it come off a SRT-4. The srt was wrecked and the tube was bent so I cut out the bent tube and welded it back together to fit in my car I'm not done yet with it.


So your going to now make it longer? Lol. Who the hell cares if it's AEM or eBay. It's a PIPE, the filter is what matters.
