climate control not working! 96 integra

bam dc2

New Member
hey there guys!
need some help before I take my car to the shop! I have a 96 integra. ls body style.
what is happening is my climate control buttons aren't working, no lights are light up. does blow kind of warm air (should be warmer). I changed the climate control with my buddys working one and still the same thing happened. my hazards and rear defrost work perfectly fine!

thanks in advance for the help!


New Member
For temperature check your cable you have two. Look under the passenger side dash you will see a white hinge with two cables attached to it. Move your temp control slide left and right ensure its moving properly. If it is there check your heater control valve in the engine bay have a friend operate your temp control and ensure its opening and closing

bam dc2

New Member
ill check the manual! thanks! and the heater control temp thing is wide open so its blowing as hot as it can, recently changed the thermostat too!
just curious why it wont switch when I press the buttons!

bam dc2

New Member
yes checked all my fuses and relays! unless theres a hidden relay? i checked the ones under the hood and under the dash