CI Official DB2 Squad Thread


New Member
They have 2 different cf ones for the 92-93 bumper. I think you should get the OE2. That would be sooo clean! :D
Ahhh!! JDP's website was down last night when I went to look at the lips, and now it's back up.. I also like the OE2! Haha didn't realize there were 2, cool :)


New Member

Would that fit in a 1990 integra?

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level 77 troll
How many vtechs can I have in my car at once? Saw a post about the head and figured I'd ask while we are already talking about them.

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New Member
say hello to my mistress, my canadian flint black pearl db2 #272. a work in progress

i have so much planned for this car its looking like a 5 year project. 2nd gen for life.


New Member
^she didnt look this good when i bought her in january this year but ive been working hard to make her a head turner.


Active Member
How many vtechs can I have in my car at once? Saw a post about the head and figured I'd ask while we are already talking about them.

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idk how I missed this one, lol how you been?

Love that flint black db2! Nice pickup, what are your plans?


New Member
Wow it's been awhile since I've been on CI. So Arizona is the worst state to get a DUI in (apparently the weed you smoke the day before can get you a DUI, go figure) and I won't be driving again until January of 2015, followed by one solid year of alcohol interlok device (again, for a non alcohol related DUI).

She still gets love though!