Name = John
It's about the man's soul. It is kind of a relationship book but it explores the man's role in life. It brought up points in my life that I never realized affected me as much as they did.
Without knowing what they're like you might be able to say something to them? All the guys I work with know I'm a Christian and most of them respect the fact I don't like to involve my self in certain things.
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So these people were bad company because they weren't talking about god or shared in your belief? That seems to be what you're suggesting. If that's the case, then you're being the bad company. And don't bring up religion at work unless you want problemsStarted a new job not to long ago. Kinda struggled being around new people and found my self indulging into their conversation, After a few days of feeling like something was wrong (i wasn't bringing up God like i used to) I came across by chance 1 Corinthians 33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I had to remove myself from eating lunch with them and its kinda been good for my soul but ive become unsociable.
I have the same problem. I get along with any type of person because my attitude and personality changes with who I'm with sometimes. I've learned to watch that and make myself be more me all the time. I try to disciple through my action more than words.Started a new job not to long ago. Kinda struggled being around new people and found my self indulging into their conversation, After a few days of feeling like something was wrong (i wasn't bringing up God like i used to) I came across by chance 1 Corinthians 33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I had to remove myself from eating lunch with them and its kinda been good for my soul but ive become unsociable.
The idea is simple, involve Christ in every decision that you make throughout the day. Truth is, it's much easier said than doneMan I need help... how do you guys do it?!
its not they were bad company for not talking about God, The conversations they were having that i was involving myself in was about how many women they sleep with every weekend. How they cheated on their wives or girlfriends at the club. How plastered and high they got etc. The bad thing is that I involved myself for the sake of not being an outcast at work, and not letting them know what i was about. I have adjusted my work life to were im still cool with them just not involved now.So these people were bad company because they weren't talking about god or shared in your belief? That seems to be what you're suggesting. If that's the case, then you're being the bad company. And don't bring up religion at work unless you want problems
Thanks for understanding, Their not bad guys. I just dont need to watch myself and not get involved. Im not a person to push my beliefs but i do love to share my passion if its God cars tattoos or music i will share. I found myself not sharing my passions at all. had to correct myself.Keep a strong head.
I'm not religious but I don't go for people who wanna brag about that stuff, Slept with a bunch of girls? Great, I'm sure they were fine ladies. :lol:
Drugs? Getting wasted? You must lead a very interesting life... :mrgreen: