Christian Integra Squad


level 77 troll
Get a teg, single cams aren't welcome here lol jk I had a civic, it was decent, nice cover Jim, can't wait for mine.....**Cole**cough**


nothing from nowhere
oh i so love this scripture, and it can be a challenge too. james 1:19 wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


nothing from nowhere
sweet man, get that thing on :) anyway if u guys can keep me in your prayers, i got a couple things going on that im dealing with, i will definately return the favor ;)


level 77 troll
sweet man, get that thing on :) anyway if u guys can keep me in your prayers, i got a couple things going on that im dealing with, i will definately return the favor ;)
Every person on here already is, but I'll give you a special shout out. And I'm hopefully going to put it on today.


Sam P
Raised a Christian, now borderline agnostic. But still pray before i go to bed. habits die hard
#29? Samuel
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