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Read this ----> I am a Christian but still feel empty
Hmm well thanks man but that didnt really help.. I know that whoever reaps sin reaps destruction (or whatever it is) but I just cant get my mind off of trying to have fun! I mean I wont get drunk or anything, Ill just be a part of the party but without goinig crazy and stuff lol. I know its illegal but I want to have more fun thatn ive ever had... and parties are awesome! But i just dont know what to do..Read this ----> I am a Christian but still feel empty
well are u a christian or not? baptism has nothing to do with it.Hmm well thanks man but that didnt really help.. I know that whoever reaps sin reaps destruction (or whatever it is) but I just cant get my mind off of trying to have fun! I mean I wont get drunk or anything, Ill just be a part of the party but without goinig crazy and stuff lol. I know its illegal but I want to have more fun thatn ive ever had... and parties are awesome! But i just dont know what to do..
You should have inspected the lights before you handed to cash over.WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? what lesson am I supposed to gleen from this? sometimes I sincerely doubt God's methods...
that sucks dude. call him up and let him know their messed up. maybe you can fix them? sometimes we'll never know why stuff happens the way it does. i loaned a set of wheels and tires to a buddy that needed tires bad and he's gone now, nowhere to be found. i guess he stole themso today I drove up to Maryland to trade my interior panels for some DA9 JDM one pieces. Me and my friend were sitting in the car before we left and I go "we should pray, you wanna start?" any way, we prayed for safe travel and a successful trip and insight for the trade. After two and a half hours of travel I got there and made the trade and got to meet the guy. I got back about 45 minutes ago and was all excited to take pics to show everyone who follows my build thread on here my new addition... Come to find out theres a chunk of the housing on one missing from the corner and the seat/ring thing that the headlight sits in is completely destroyed on the other. More or less they are completely worthless. WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? what lesson am I supposed to gleen from this? sometimes I sincerely doubt God's methods...
I didn't say God or anyone did this to me. I'm saying that the entire problem could have been solved as easily as me just looking at them closer. God allowed me to make this mistake. I'm sure it teaches me some kind of lesson but that was an unnecessarily expensive lesson.You should have inspected the lights before you handed to cash over.
'God' didnt do this to you. Its your fault for not checking.
Very well said son! Ive been high and drunk so many times when i was a teenager and I can tell you being sober and clear minded is so much more stimulating and fulfilling than being a fucking idiot high on shit and belligerent.well are u a christian or not? baptism has nothing to do with it.
im not gonna tell u how to live ur life, but lots of people for some reason have to make their own mistakes instead of learning from others' .
Jesus came that we might have life, and he took away the law. I know its probably been shoved down ur throat since u were born not to do any of those things, but it is your choice, who knows maybe it will make u happy for a little while, maybe even a long time, but chances are it will make u more miserable in the end. THATS what ur parents are trying to teach u. The Bible NEVER says that u cant drink/do drugs. People screw what Paul says around to make it seem that way, but really Jesus' 1st miracule was when he turned the water to wine. So im pretty sure if somebody didnt condone beer, then they wouldnt go out of their way and bring some. (or in Jesus' case, make some)
True christians will not be judged by what we have done, only rewarded for our good deeds and our fruits. The Bible says that our sins will be blotted out forever so only our good works are shown, so no matter what evil u have done God will not remember it because of the blood of Christ Jesus. Non-christians will be judged by their works, and NOBODY can do enough good to make it to heaven.
i dont think getting drunk or doing drugs is actually fun, ive done a lot of different stuff in my life but i can say with 100% positivity that i have way more fun sober then ive ever had impaired.... but thats just cuz im awesome![]()
me too broVery awesome to see that there is a thread like this, I wish I would have looked earlier. My faith is the most important thing in my life, and I take it very seriously and study God's Word often. If anyone ever wants to talk about the Bible or has questions or anything, I am happy to help and answer any of them. Feel free to PM me if you want. I didn't really get to look over too much of this thread otherwise, but I noticed someone above questioning God's methods because he said he got ripped off in a deal buying some headlights. You just have to study God's awesome Word and realize, that God is working in a different way today, and that is surely not his fault, but if someone does something immoral that will be held accountable to Him. God bless!!!!
added8)Put me down.