Charlotte (Nicks 95 GSR)


New Member
Thanks guys. It was a rush not having brakes. I would stand on the brakes and nothing would happen haha. So I just compensated with coasting and downshifting at times when I wouldn't normally. I think with fresh tires and brakes I can get 2:02 or 2:03 for sure. I even botched the sunset before the start of that lap. So there is a ton of time left on the table. Makes me excited. After 2:02 I will work on aero...then when the tires are gone i'll finally make the jump to NT01


New Member
Since the car is primarily towed to and from the track the front bumper comes off a lot. To make this process a lot easier a quick release set up only made sense. The rubber band style ones have issues though. For one they stand out too much, but also the rubber bands break and stretch out. After some research the dzus fasteners were the front runners, but then I stumbled across Quik Latch. They offer a mini version which is perfect for what I wanted.

It uses a ball bearing lock and a push button. This means there won't be any tools needed once they are installed. Installing was pretty straight forward. We used angle aluminum for the bracket material for added rigidity.

The low profile design is perfect and makes for a very sleek look. It just takes a lot of adjusting to get it to line up perfect.


New Member
Thanks guys.

Yeah, they blend in well. They offer other colors too. When I paint the car it won't blend in as well, but black is pretty low key anyways. I almoooost ordered the dzus though.


Yolo Whippin'
I could have mailed you some lol. Dopematic is going to help me repair my bumper before I wrap it might switch to this style when we do. I liked the dzus fasteners because there wasn't any fab work for the brackets.


New Member
I hardly call cutting and drilling 2 holes fab work. haha This set up is pricey though. It is $25 PER side. Also I ordered the springs that go with it to keep pressure on the ball so it doesn't flap around and wear out faster.


New Member
Looks good, I heard if you get dirt in those they are harder to release. Might want to cover it with a piece of electrical tape in case you go off-roading.


New Member
I posted the JDM front 2 months ago...yall fools are slow.

Interesting about dirt getting in there. I will keep that in mind.


Yolo Whippin'
I hardly call cutting and drilling 2 holes fab work. haha This set up is pricey though. It is $25 PER side. Also I ordered the springs that go with it to keep pressure on the ball so it doesn't flap around and wear out faster.
i didnt even do that lol. I bought a 90 degree mounting plate.