Central Nj Street Races ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Honda / Acura Fanatic
here are some pics. the good ones my friend(r32) took already. bare with the pics, my scanner is fucked so everything looks bad. here goes....

more to come...just gotta find em.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
lol nah its not the camera its my scanner. usually i transfer pics right to my computer but thats with my sony. i took these pics with my minolta and i usually go to walmart and have them transfer the pics over to cd but they tried twice and made me two messed up cds. yeah but my scanner is pretty garbagey now.


Official CI Thread Jacker
hheheheh he snapped a pic of the honda hater...the VW hheeheheh the only wrecked car i see hhehehe


Type R
i feel bad but street racing idk all my friends like 2 go out and shit and they ask me to run and i'm like nah i aint risking it so no racing for me


New Member
yo i live in north jersey. when i get my teggy we should go out and cruise sometime. fuck it, ill do it in my explorer, its undefeated right now haha


New Member
oh shit hahahaha, i forgot i was on the 11th page of the street/track section when i found this my bad


I feel the same way keep that shit off the street, I know its fun but what's the point, bragging rights. I can make one up any time @ the track u get a slip. that speaks for its self. U lose too much fam friends license money paying tickets, and cops hear the reving they know what's up, I have raced 4 cops so far at the track only beat 1 but they r even cool with me now I got off on window beening too dark, no seat belt and a few others cuz I knew. The cop, I have lost 3 peps in one car. Cuz of street racing, but i have seen a few peps crash @ the track one is now paralized from the waist down he would have never made it if he was on the street, I hate to hear that some one chrashed their car racing, I cuz I know the hard work we put in it @ the track I have met lost of ppl that own shops and will help me out when shit dose go wrong, the street is a shady place to be even more when ur doing something illegal. Sorry to hear that. keep it off the street. And glad we r not saying rip to another racer.


New Member
nothing wrong with street racing. Some people are lucky to have a strip in the area, some are unlucky like myself. I have to drive nearly 4.5 hours to 1/8 track and a 5 hours for a 1/4 track.. My area is big in the street racing scene, and we've been asking for a track since like...... 03,04 but they say it isn't safe, so they let us race on the streets under our own discretion
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