Car shuts down after 5 minutes of driving???


Apprentice Mechanic
Look. Take it to a shop get it diagnosed and you will know. You will lose 100-200 bucks getting it diagnosed. And it might be something stupid too. It doesn't seem logical that your CEL is not popping.

If you want a real tip. Think about eveyrthing that makes a car run(basically)
Injectors, Spark Plugs, Wires, Dizzy/Cap/Rotor, Ignition Module, Relays, Fuel Pump, Intake. All those could give you a problem. You could be even leaking on a valve cover into the spark plug holes and it could be cutting the power.. lol thats highly unlikely though for that. I Only seen that once, and the car was a POS
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New Member
im thinking its ignition control module, i know now its ignition bound and i really cant afford to have someone at a shop tell me they found the problem and for it not to be. I cant even afford to take it to a shop and i need this car to be able to get to work before i get fired, again!!! man, wtf....


New Member
how old is your car? how many miles?

My integra 94 ls, about 135k miles, did that to me about a year ago. It was my distributor. I bought a brand new one from pepboys... When we installed it, we noticed the distributor cap was really worn out. I probably could have gotten away with just replacing that, but what the heck and installed it anyway.

Atleast take a look at the distributor cap. It won't hurt to look and if it is you could replace that... But if you're at high mileage maybe its time for a new distributor anyway.


silence is everything..
like others has said, im 99% its the ICM that is going out. i had the same issue and just swaped it with my spare dizzy. just look for any dizzy from acura/honda (94-01 integra, 92-00 civic and maybe other hondas) and swap the the internal since majority of the ICM is the same.


New Member
yeah, mine is a 95 integra, with about 137k and the dizzy is about 6 years old, its an after market msd set-up with external coil. Next thing im gonna do is replace that, the cap looks good so i figure what the heck, ill just replace the whole thing, that should take care of any problems that it might be. ill write back once i do that and let you know what happens.


New Member
shutting down

Yeah mines do the same shit.. here's are the symptoms..
When ever the core temperature is hot my engine automatically shuts down.. ( 30-40min.)
Sometimes when its park out in the sun it wont start..

Here is what I recently done:
All fouR sparks good
Ignition timing- Pep Boys
New DisturbutoR
CompressioN Test- Good
New radiator+ shroud
Recently did a radiator flush
And heres the funny part; I pass smog yesterday no problem..

any ideas? email me
[email protected]


im thinking either the main relay or distributor. i had the same problem aswell.
it ended up being my distributor.


I <3 my Honda
my integra was doing the same thing!!! it was my distributor!! got new coil,cap,rotor,spark plugs,wires and car runs like NEW cost me about 180 at autozone


New Member
The problem is most likely the ICU. When the car runs a bit the distributor housing and its contents i.e Ignition coil and ignition control module get a litle hot. Over time the ICU slowly becomes defective and not work properly particularly when it is warm like when the car is running.

Remove the distributor cap and rotor. remove the ICU which is held down by 2 screws on the side of the distributor. there are 4 wires plugged into this small retangular shape object. Make note of which goes where. That is your ICU. You can take this to Autozone they can test it for you. It may work intermittently. It will likely come on and off when they test it. If that is the case then your ICU is most likely close to the end of its life. Replace it , It is about 50 dollars. Good luck.


New Member
First off, get rid of the MSD Ignition!! Unless you have major powr upgrades such as internals or running boost, you DON'T need high performance distributor. Get am oem distributor. I hve heard of MSD distributors giving people problems.