Car ran fine then died


New Member
Distributor Distributor Distributor. I had the same exact situation and my buddy changed it out and perfecto. I'm willing to bet almost any money that it's the distributor. From my research, DA's are notorious for eating through them. I hope this helps dude.


New Member
I have had the same problem and i have a 90 da it will sit at idle and then die randomly
but mine starts up after tryin it a few times and sometimes right after it dies it will start
right back up and run perfectly fine if you guys come up with somethin let me know


New Member
This happened twice (Kind of) on my DA its all in the Distributor. I went n replaced the cap n rotor like u, nothing. Tried to save money n bought just the ignitor inside the distributor, Started right up! Couple of months later the little chip inside went bad and the car died on the freeway. Replaced that n now runs smoothly.

Fanatic88, u mite have a bad ignition switch...


New Member
mine did the same thing about 2months ago. take the distributor out n try to turn it. mine froze up the engine was able to turn it but everything had went. its easy n fast to do so i recommend that and good luck if it is. the only place i found one was auto zone 230 bucks for a refurbished no junk yards had one