Can't turn key all way off or get out of park


New Member
93 LS, 70K original owner, reliable, love my car, no probs until a month ago began sensing "stiffness" turning key all the way off in the ignition. Around same time had difficulty getting (auto) shift out of park. Are these problems related? Aware of putting foot on brake etc as I have done 15 years but doesn't help. I had been able to restart car, jiggle key and finally get it to turn fully left but today couldn't turn key off and couldn't get out of park. So opened hood and disconnected battery and left car with key in the ignition.

Is difficulty fully turning key/ignition problem electrical? Or mechanical? What's the connection, if any, with not being able to get out of park? Is cold weather a factor? Just moved (when this started) from warm CA to freezing upstate NY (12 degrees last night) and car is parked outside.

No problems running in transmission once moving. While stopped, however, occasionally when I put car in reverse it doesn't seem to "grab" into reverse until I move shift back and forth once briefly then reverse grabs OK. This latter is minor prob compared to probs with key and getting out of park.


New Member
There is a shifter selection switch (on automatic transmissions) that wears out once it gets older. You have to take it off of a replace it or just try to clean it and see if it will still work. You have to take the center console out to get to it. There was a thread on it not too long ago.

The ignition switch will not let you remove the key until it's in park.


The Transporter
As far as the key not turning that I think is either a worn key (try to get a new key cut from acura) or a lock cylinder issue, possibly from an attempted theft. If the key does nothing, then it could be the lock itself. Although im sure you tried this id figured id still mention... you try to move the wheel around when the key gets stuck???

When it wont shift out of park, did you try the lock release (right in front of the auto) stick your key in there and see if that can unlock it. That will tell me a few things right there. We can go from there on that issue after you try the lock release and tell me what happens.


The Transporter
There is a shifter selection switch (on automatic transmissions) that wears out once it gets older. You have to take it off of a replace it or just try to clean it and see if it will still work. You have to take the center console out to get to it. There was a thread on it not too long ago.
My thoughts on that are at 70k it would be a bit premature. But it is definitely a probability. The selector switch could account for the key issue (car doesn't sense park or neutral so it locks start). But could be separate, never know. Id try the cheap quick ideas I posted above first. If none of those work (or you already have tried), then you will be moving onto the selector switch and a full fluid flush.

I always try to get the stupid simple things ruled out first, because its when you skip them that you really can get screwed.

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New Member
it is due to the cold weather. youll have to remove the center console and on the passenger side there is a white plastic part youll need to remove. it has wires coming out from it. its the shifter position sensor. take it out 2 10mm bolts, take it appart and clean the electrical connections. then apply dielectric grease and put everything back together. make sure not to lose the spring or ball bearing

i did this for my first teg and it fixed it. i also did it to my girls DB1 but ill need to do it again cause i dont think i cleaned it good enough last time.

good luck
Found it.


nothing from nowhere
your car dosent like the cold, its telling you to move back. haha, i would check the shifter cables and bushings. make shure u wash the road salt off your car cause it will ruin it.


New Member
lol, well there ya go. Never heard of a cold only issue like that.... guess thats what happens when you always lived in the south. :lol:
I live in South Carolina but it has been getting kinda cold ~30*. I'm about to clean my selector out too.


New Member
I start the car with my spare key, and usually just turn radio off and lock doors when key wont come out. Its too damn cold to try to fix it.


The Transporter
I live in South Carolina but it has been getting kinda cold ~30*. I'm about to clean my selector out too.
Yea I spent most my years in Florida, lol we have 1 season there. Ive been in NC for a little while now and this is way to fucking cold, its going into the teens. I'll take 100+ anyday, but below 40, fuck no....