moses integra
New Member
it only vibrates at a red light with the a\c but now i got bigger problems! my car didnt start today, not even a crank. it could be the batteries cold canking amps but not sure
wow i never knew that ._. So thats why my performance decreases so much after it warms up -.- . can cakey stuff also cause a large reduction in MPG? And by cleaning the intake you mean taking the whole intake manifold off right?Cleaning your intake is probably the single best task you can perform to guarantee a good smooth running engine. Here's what is happening. When your engine is cold, the fast idle valve is open, allowing for a large volume of air to mix with a richer fuel delivery based on temperature sensor feedback to the ecu, an engine with so much air and fuel will run quite nicely, but obviously your fuel mileage will suffer if it stayed like that. As your engine warms up, both air and fuel are reduced and the ecu begins to control the engine in closed loop full feedback operation. At this time, when the engine is warmed up, air velocity is GREATLY reduced through your intake runners. If there is cake and gum in the runners, your idle will be very poor. There is so much turbulence just before your fuel injector that each delivery of the air fuel mixture is kind of like someone pouring some gas in each cylinder with a spoon.
Set aside an entire weekend, get yourself a round wire brush on flexible steel, 3 cans of carb cleaner, and remove and clean that intake. Take pictures, and post them for all to see how bad it is. Essentially, what you will find is a coating probably as thick as the chocolate on a snickers bar in all four runners, about 6 to 8 inches deep into the runners.