Cams For My R


Super Moderator
Not really. That is usually a result of some cheap, bullshit, straight through muffler on a 130hp car


Super Duper Moderator
SOLOTR95 said:
What kind of bottom end mods do some itr owners do
Higher compression pistons. The more aggressive cams are, the more compression is required for them to really perform to their potential (generally). And for real aggressive cams, you may need to upgrade your ITR valvetrain depending on redline, they'll increase tailpipe emmissions, and you'll be putting up with crappy idle like the man said.
MD over on TI translated the spec sheet for my Spoon cams (it's all in Japanese), and told me they have a very aggressive ramp speed, comparable to Toda C's he says.


Super Moderator
Sweet. I've seen them Toda C's before. They have like vertical lobes :lol:

That steep ramp kinda under rates the spec chart. You compare them to other cams that have the same specs but less area under the curve and you realize how much quicker they pop them valves open taking better advantage of the advertised duration. But some companies also measure their duration and lift at different points. I think there should be an industry standard
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