i have a CAI aem and i was stuck in traffic it was raining pretty bad i was on top of a puddle of water and when traffic started to go my car shut off due to water actually being sucked in.
to the guy stating that rain dont make a diff....
you never know when a quick downpour will happen, Ive seen quite a few flash floods on both east and west coasts and seen many (incuding my boy) assed out because the cai sucked up water from a puddle!
Even seen it happen in hot ass Arizona where it rarely rains...but in the summer monsoon season
my thing is this...I do like the cai, but there are way too many who seem to believe that there is no chance of sucking water into the motor. Also the liners, etc underneath the car has no difference if the "puddle" is a small lake at some intersection which the water is over your bumper lip, and damn near as high as your side skirts. This spring im going to catch a bunch of cars(on cam) stuck at this one point on the highway (route 17 south in east rutherford, nj. next to Giants stadium)