blower fuse?


New Member
hay guys my air blower went out no hot or cold air at all i think it might be the fuse but where can i find it wheres the relay box can u guys help with some pics or info please ?


beep beep
Here is some pics of the heater motor fuse which i think its that one.Its the white that's hold down with two bolts



New Member
hit uo autozone bro, they have em in stock all the way up to like 90 amps i think it is. They are between 5 and 10 bux


beep beep
i couldn't find the exact one cause of the length but I put a sightly bigger one than 40.It shouldn't be more 10$ i forgot how much i payed for it.Just take the old one to a auto store a match up the length


New Member
I got a few from the junkyard for free....I just put them in my pocket
