Block Scratched. Uh oh?


The title sums it up. Today I was looking at my block and I noticed it had a pretty noticeable scratch, almost gouged..

How will this effect my engine? I don't think its new.. the block came out of the car and went on the engine stand.. Do I need to get this thing machined or will it be fine?

It's on the top of the block, the area the head meets to.
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Finger Tapping With Fury!
Well where's the scratch at? Got a picture? If the scratch is on the block-to-head mating surface then take it to a machine shop and see if they think they can machine it out. If its on the block-to-trans mounting surface then it may be ok just make sure it mates up nice and square. The location of scratch will matter the most but anywhere remotely close to an important part...then machine or getcha another one. I got a nice B18B1 block just layin around if you want?/need?


Well-Known Member
Pictures of it.

If its on the exterior, in the casting, there shouldnt be anything to worry about.



Your not bein very specific but ill assume your talking about a scratch on the cylinder wall, if you run your nail acros it and it catches then you might need a overbore, some times a good hone can fix it though. If its just obe scratch then i doubt you will need a bore, my cylinder walls are fucked up beyond beleive so im getting a .20mm over bore and hone, makes em brand new ;)

Get a good pic of it so we can see


My camera is broken right now. I can't take a picture.

The mating surface of the block and head.. it's near the edge of the coolant wall. Not on the cylinder. I'm not sure if it's new, if it is, it would have had to happen when the head was off with the block in the car. It could have been there already? Do I need to get it machined.. or can I go without? Yeah my nail can catch it, but like I said.. I think it might have been there before.

Ugggggggggggh! I hate spending my money!