After much effort and hatred and frustration and getting pissed off at the world....I have finally installed my fog lamps

here's the process
Wiring....which took 4 days because I ran into some problems, if you'd like to see my
Downed a wire here
connected a bunch of bullsh*t here...
So after that was done...much more than whats in the pictures. Comes my yellow(supposed to be clear) fog lamps

fck yeah!
And then I ran into more pain....the fitment on these is terrible. So I janked the sh*t out of them, but finally gotem to stick. All scratch and crap but oh well. here they are. Full glory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
OG is jealous
Good light output
Better nighttime photos tomorrow....and for the record...don't have anything important near yu when you get mad. I went ape sht with my screwdriver and you can see two gashes in my plate
