Black headlight housing?


New Member
Hello, just wondering (I apologize if this sounds rice) but, does any one make our headlights with black housing - not halo's though. Just the stock look but black rather than chrome. Thank you


Slow Driver
99% of after market headlights are the lame halo lights. Your best bet is to take apart the lights and paint the housing


thats right.
That might look cool actually dude, but I don't think they make them, u would have to do them ur self, but if u do then post some pics so I can see how they look :D


New Member
Wouldnt painting the chrome part cancel out some of the light output? Thats the only reason why I havent done it yet - I could be wrong though???


thats right.
Wouldnt painting the chrome part cancel out some of the light output? Thats the only reason why I havent done it yet - I could be wrong though???

Yeah it would, it wouldn't really matter if u had HIDs but for the normal lights u would have to get a black that is a good reflecter of light. thats part of the reason I don't think they sell them


New Member
I was thinking about just painting them. Maybe I'll get a second set and see how it turns out. I have HIDS too so we will see if there is any light canceling issues.


Registered Abuser
i think dcfour will sell black housing minus halos. youd have to ask him.

and i have black housing with halos, so you can look at those, but dont hate on the halos!