No fucks given.
So apparently those electric bikes that Erik Buell is working on raised over 1100% of it's crowdfunding goal for the mountain bike one.... That's not what caught my attention though. Go fucking figure that Erik works on something and decides "yeah, it's done this way.. BUT, let's go the complete opposite way."
Fucking thing has the crank built into the electric motor, the gears are built into the rear hub, and it uses a belt driver rather than a chain... Typical Buell strangeness.
And tell me the one on the right doesn't look like it uses an overstock 1190RS headlight lol
Fucking thing has the crank built into the electric motor, the gears are built into the rear hub, and it uses a belt driver rather than a chain... Typical Buell strangeness.

And tell me the one on the right doesn't look like it uses an overstock 1190RS headlight lol