Best exhaust under $200?


save your money dont get some cheap rice burner muffler that everyone will make fun of anyway. i didnt purchase my exhaust until i had the money for my T1R which cost about $900. if you need an exhaust purchasing guide they have one on with some sound clips and stuff


New Member
i stared to getta Tsudo but DB8 suggested i waited to get the Apexi i really wanted haha,kinda glad i did wait. its sorta sounds like to wait till ur married to have sex ROFLMaO but yea anyways glad i waited haha. if ur looking to getta exaust for $200 just save till u get $200 more and getta exaust thats a lot better than the one u was gonna just settle for that u know sounds,looks and performs good and knowing ur not just paying for sound and the name brand.