spoiler will be $115 shipped, its in mint condition still brand spankin new, doesnt even need to be painted or anything, will color match your black car perfect. it might be more for shipping cuz your not in the US but i will let you knowhow much your sellin the spoiler i live in canada whats the condition on that one..
me too man me toothis really makes me sad.
yeah i was shocked when i seen thatman, the force of the impact snapped that rotor into pieces, you guys are so so lucky.
lol yeah i pulled a branch out of iti mean you have tree in your transmission.
very glad to hear that manwell guys i thought i would let you guys know that we are all home and doing well, my GF Natalie is expected to make a full recovery and my shoulder should be better in a week or 2
yeah the sub was bent and the box was cracked, the frame of the car was actualy bent, there is a 5 inch gape between the top of the door and the car when you close it, and i thought the door was bent but its actually the framedamn dude. did it fuck your sub up? i saw it was kinda out of the box