B20B in 90 GS DB1


New Member
I just picked up a B20B block the other day for $80. The cylinders were pretty rusty from it sitting out but it should be easy to clean up. I am going to replace the piston rings but I am not sure which ones to get. I was thinking about getting these but not sure if they would be ok or if I should be looking at another brand; http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/97-01-HONDA-CR-V-VTEC-NPR-PISTON-RINGS-B20B-B20B4-B20Z-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem5d2c4115c3QQitemZ400174421443QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Also would I run into any problems running the head off of my B18A1 on the B20B block?



db1 is love
damn where did u get it for that price ??? lol i dnt think ur gonna have problems using that head bro oh btw i live really close o u


New Member
looks like itll be a bit of work. how are you going to get all the rust off?


Honing it would remove the rust.. just like cleaning up any imperfections in a cylinder wall.
Those are pretty terrible looking cylinders though. You will probably need to bore it to get it clean. Soak the cylinders in oil or something and try to clean them out as best as possible before removing those pistons.


New Member
damn where did u get it for that price ??? lol i dnt think ur gonna have problems using that head bro oh btw i live really close o u
I got it off some guy in Little Rock, found him on CraigsList. I am supposed to be working on it this Sat. If you wanna roll through lmk, I wouldnt mind seeing your db1 in person.


New Member
Honing it would remove the rust.. just like cleaning up any imperfections in a cylinder wall.
Those are pretty terrible looking cylinders though. You will probably need to bore it to get it clean. Soak the cylinders in oil or something and try to clean them out as best as possible before removing those pistons.
I have been spraying them with WD40 to losen the rust and so far it seems like it is just on the surface. I will be sure to post some pics after I hone the cylinders.


It's hard to say it's just surface rust, because the cylinders surface need to be pretty perfect to not have troubles.