B20 MPG in a G3

TegSox said:
What is the MPG your getting? Less than 300 a tank doesn't narrow it down for us very much. I wouldn't expect better than upper 20's MPG from a 2.0 liter engine with an auto tranny in a G3. What are your mods? Maybe you need a tune.
The only mod's I have would be the short ram intake. I have new cap and rotor as well as plugs. I'm putting new wires on tomorrow and probably a new pcv valve. I have a 10 gallon tank right? I have never thought to look. I get roughly 250 to 280 per tank. This is all highway average 75mph. Maybe going too fast?
Kuchtaboy said:
are you going by the gas light or the needle?

I know on G2's the needle is full of shit. lol, you can go 200 miles before half a tank, then bomb to only 100 on the next half. I always go by the light/320 miles. Which ever comes first. lol
Yeah the needle is BS. I'll look down and have 1/4 tank, two minutes later I'll have 1/16 of a tank. I usually go by the needle untill its getting low, then I look for the fuel light. Have any idea how many gallons are left when the light comes on? or approx how many miles left? I'm just really bummed. I thought that parking the hatch and driving the teg would save me gas. My reason for thinking that is, the hatch has well over 300k on it and it burns oil like a mofo. The teg has around 120k on body and trans and roughly 60k on the motor.
I cant wait to see the mpg when I do the manual conversion and the b16 head swap!


Unregistered User
No.... 13.2 gallon tank

Not "Miles per tank"

"Miles per gallon"

next time you fill up take however many miles you went and divide that by how many gallon you put in to fill the tank. That'll tell you how many miles per gallon you got.

Figure that out, then come back and you'll know if something is wrong or not

Yeah I know how to calculate the mileage. I just never really paid much attention to how many gallons I pumped. I'm usually to irritated with the price to look at the pump too much. I'll fill it up tomorrow and reset the odometer and drive till it's empty


Super Moderator
Kuchtaboy said:
I know on G2's the needle is full of shit. lol, you can go 200 miles before half a tank, then bomb to only 100 on the next half. I always go by the light/320 miles. Which ever comes first. lol
I know that! DSM's are the same way.

Anyway I still would get atleast 320 miles with 12 gallons in the teggy. My car ran great so your figures seem low to me
I am begining to wonder if its just the speed I drive on the interstate. I took the hwy home today at a steady 58 mph and noticed a big difference in fuel consumption. Still got over a half tank and 170 miles on the trip odometer.


the lone outdoorsman
mines gifted i can pull over 30 on the highway

but yea high 20s sounds right for an auto with the 2.0