B18C1 Loud Strange Noise.. Need a Valve Adjustment?


alright im at work now, had a friend drive me.. i have free towing up to 10 miles i believe.. i'll try drain the oil tomorrow morning.. could I just pull the sum plug and check the oil that way or is it necessary to remove the oil pan


It doesn't really sound like a spun bearing (as that's "normally" a steady knock), and if you had dropped a valve, the loss of compression would be causing a severe misfire. I think you NEED to drop the pan at this point. Further driving will likely cause severe engine damage.


alright say i drop the pan tomorrow. what am I looking for? if i do or if i dont find metal in there, what else should i be lookin at?


The way it soundS...chunks of metal, lol... I'm guessing the oil is going to be silvery, or your going to find shavings.
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after removing the oil pan, will the crank shaft and all the bearings be right there for me to check? sorry if i'm askin dumb questions, i gotta learn somewhere


Yes, it will be right there. You could even check bearing clearances from there if you so choose. I believe this would be a good idea.


hey guys the idea dawned on me last night while the site was down (was that just for me?)
this can be the water pump about to go, huh?
before I tear the oil pan apart i think i'm gonna dedicate the next few hours to getting a new water pump and timing belt (might as well) and replace both


Dropping the pan is about a 20 min job, maybe 30 with a smoke break, but replacing the timing belt and pump is good maintenance, so I would hate to dissuade you from doing that. Except...The belt and pump is at least a couple hour job...more if you haven't done it before. I bet it takes you a full 4 hrs... Do you really want to spend that much time on it, only to start it up, hear the same noise, THEN pull the pan and see your engine needs to be pulled apart? If the engine is out, doing the belt and waterpump is SOOOO much easier...


just ordered the water pump, n got all the other crap.. was lookin forward to doing it today, damn
my friends picking up my pump when it comes in tonight, i'll have him pick up a pan gasket as well and i'll check the oil n pan first..

thanks for reminding me to check the oil first, im just not thinking straight i guess haha
my next update with either say "f*** there's metal everywhere" or "just replaced the water pump after checking the pan..."
we'll see how this goes!


When you drop the pan you have to remove the oil griddle plate, can't remember if you need to remove the pick up tube (I have not done it in awhile on the B motor) but most likely then you can see the bearings and the crankshaft.

It just pop in my head it's not called griddle plate sorry it's called baffle plate.
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hey guys, drained the oil and it looked good. no discoloration, and still clean.. considering it only had about a thousand miles of driving on it hah

removed the oil pan, but my headers were in the way., couldnt drop the damn thing. but i did manage to shove my hand in there and feel the bottom, clean. couldnt feel anything. i filtered the oil through a thin t shirt and nothing was in there as well.

i got to the point of removing the valve cover during the water pump replacement, and realized i was late for work, hopefully I'l finish it up tomorrow morning.

lets just say it isnt the water pump, any other guesses?


Well, I would recommend pulling the header and finishing pulling the pan. Lets say you dont find anything, and the waterpump seems fine when you pull it...start checking bearing clearances.