longer gears means falling out of powerband when you shift. the only benefit to an ls tranny is for daily driving. for racing, the shorter gears mean a faster car. like anything however, there is a point of diminishing return. an itr tranny's gearing makes you run out of gear at the track. a gsr tranny is perfect for a turbo application. vtecvaz, you dont have a clue what you are talking about.
8)hehe But I can see what he
means. I think what he was
trying to say is that a longer geared(LS) tranny might be better suited to turbocharged B18's because the extra power from the turbo will more than make up for the longer gearing=slower acceleration and falling out of the powerband.
I remember my friend's turboed JDMed front LS had a B16 tranny which(I believe) is even shorter than the GSR gears, and that car would be like whoosh redline whooosh redline whooosh redline. It seems like we ran through the gears wayy to quicky. There was no flexibilty it was always revving high as the sky and eating up gas. We always ran out of gear ending up redlining and topping out at a sort of skimp top speed(I dont remember what it was.)
Plus I remember added huge power to cars in Gran Turismo and I always had to extend the gear ratios be just so the engine actually had the time to pull in a certain gear or another and actually spool the turbo and get full boost/full power.
Im actually incredibly tired its 2:38a and I'm soooo out of it maybe my thinking is just WRONG and I have no clue what I am trying to say, let alone know what I'm talking about. So let me know if I am right, you agree with me, I'm
sort of correct and fix my misunderstandings, or I'm just totally off, in which case just school my ass

I apologize to everyone for writing a freakin' novel LOL.