auto to manual conversion


New and fresh.
it would be a much better use of your money.and where do you live
Not really. A MINT MINT MINT Auto Integra will go for a LOT cheaper than a super mint five speed. I purchased my car with 55k miles on it. Pristine condition, non tampered with, for $9,000. It may sound like over-kill, but for the price, condition, and location, I couldn't say no. The same car, more mileage, dinged up, and modded was 10k. I would rather go with stock automatic, roll with it for a while then swap it out. I'm in no rush what so ever. I can get a GSR tranny (legit with 50k miles), shift linkage, clutch lines, etc. etc. etc. for a LOT less more than i would have had to spend on a car that was tampered with, and had a tranny I probably was going to switch out anyway.

I live in MASSACHUSETTS by the way. Rust > Every Honda/Acura. I have no rust, no dents (when purchased), no nothing. It was MINT.


New Member
i did my own conversion and it works perfect... got most of the parts like pedals and stuff out of a junk yard from other hondas. i put a built gsr on my LS.