*Anything Goes* Version 8.5

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nope, things came up...time to settle down. ended up buying a pilot...sold the hatch to a friend. when trinh got knocked up i had to set my priorities straight.


The Transporter
nope, things came up...time to settle down. ended up buying a pilot...sold the hatch to a friend. when trinh got knocked up i had to set my priorities straight.
eeewwwwwww, I feel bad for you. Hopefully they dont turn out to be trolls.


The Transporter
did i tell you trinh is a palin(sp) supporter ?
really why?

Oh wait, that makes sense. Because you cant be sane if you like the McCain/Palin campaign. And everyone knows trolls are insane, living under bridges and stuff asking random people stupid riddles

"WHAT is your name?"

"WHAT is your favorite color?"

lol, Monty Python
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