i'm going snowboard this weekend, bitcccccccchesssss! lol
no health insurance FTL...
i'm still debating on whether i should go with 'em or not. i just lost one source on income and blew a shit ton of money on shit today. =X my friend and his buddies are going early friday morning. i have work on friday. he said he'll come back and pick me up early saturday morning, though. he also wants to pay for me. he was telling me about the lifts and how when you go up, there's only one way down. i don't know if i'm ready for what they do, though. lol i've NEVER been skiing or snowboarding. i've been in snow twice. haha =P
going would mean i need to do a little shopping, which i really shouldn't. i want cute snow boots and a cute, warm outfit. snow boots alone = over $200 for something i'll wear once. plus, i should be working on the teggy this weekend. boo.
choiiiiices, choiiices! i want to go, though!