**Anything Goes** Version 6.0

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so tiiiired, so tiiiiiiired, oh so tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired!

i is sore. sanding sucks. as soon as i'm done sanding my car and doing something else to it, i have to sand it again...and again, and again. lol vicious cycle...:cry:


Undercover mod
imo....u shouldnt build a car u cant drive.

if it has to much power to race from a dig......roll around on slicks:shock::roll:, or learn to feather the throttle.
I agree should not build a street car you cant drive but thats not the problem i have a car that make good power and still idles below 1k. :lol: but i live in the midwest where it snow during the witer so Dragradials only come out in the spring otherwise im stuck in my neighborhood:( and trust me i do plenty of featherin just from a 40 roll:p
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